* Prices may vary according to the medical condition of the patient and days of admission at the hospital depending on the size of the procedure |
Breast Augmentation - Cohesive Gel Implants Breast Augmentation - Saline Implants Breast Augmentation - Silicone Gel Implants
*Prices may vary according to the medical condition of the patient and days of admission at the hospital depending on the size of the procedure |
*Prices may vary according to the medical condition of the patient and days of admission at the hospital depending on the size of the procedure |
Lower & Upper Eyelids Lower Eyelid Upper Eyelid |
*Prices may vary according to the medical condition of the patient and days of admission at the hospital depending on the size of the procedure |
*Prices may vary according to the medical condition of the patient and days of admission at the hospital depending on the size of the procedure |
LipoSelection Liposuction - Abdominal Liposuction - Arms Liposuction - Face & Neck Liposuction - Thighs & Buttock Power Assisted Liposuction Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction
* Prices may vary according to the medical condition of the patient and days of admission at the hospital depending on the size of the procedure |
PRP (Platelet-rich plasma)
Tip Rhinoplasty Alarplasty Nose Implant
* Prices may vary according to the medical condition of the patient and days of admission at the hospital depending on the size of the procedure |
Complete tummy tuck Extended tummy tuck Mini tummy tuck |