ابحث في المراكز الطبية

مستشفى أبولّو تشيناي

د. Ram Gopalakrishnan

د. Ram Gopalakrishnan

مستشفى أبولّو تشيناي
التخصص Infectious Diseases
اللغات الإنجليزية, الهندية
سنة التخرج 1988 (36 سنوات الخبرة)
الدرجة العلمية MBBS,1988-Madras Medical College
MD(Internal Medicine),1991-PGIIMER,Chandigarh
MRCP(UK),1992-Royal College of Physicians
AB(Internal Med),1995-American Board of Internal Medicine AB(Infectious Disease),1997-American Board of Internal Medicine
الخبرة المهنية - Senior House Officer1992- 1993, Bromley Health Authority
- Resident1993- 1995-Dept of Internal Medicine ,Baylor College of Medicine ,Houstin ,Texas, USA
- Fellow 1995-1997-Division Of Infectious Disease, Dept of Internal Medicine, Wright State University School of Medicine ,Dayton, Ohio ,USA
- Consulting Physician-1997-2000,Capital Family Physicians ,Frankfort Kentucky ,USA(Internal Medicine ,Infections Disease and Travel Medicine)
العضوية * Associate Member, Infectious Disease Society of America
* Member, International Society for Infectious Diseases * Member, International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers.
* Members, Hospital Infection Society ,India
* Member ,Indian Medical Association
* Member, Association of Physicians Of India

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