ابحث في المراكز الطبية

مستشفى تكسيم الألماني

د. M. Sedat Ofluoglu

د. M. Sedat Ofluoglu

مستشفى تكسيم الألماني
التخصص Nuclear Medicine
اللغات الإنجليزية, التركية
سنة التخرج 1992 (32 سنوات الخبرة)
معلومات عن Medical Interest Areas and Activities:

Diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases.
Treated with radioactive material: Radioactive iodine therapy and thyroid cancer, and toxic goiter. Treatment of rheumatic joint disease.
PET-CT oncological studies.
Conventional nuclear cardiology and nuclear medicine.
الدرجة العلمية In 1992 graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Akdeniz University. Specialization, 2002 Nuclear Medicine Department of the University of Vienna Medical School and completed.
الخبرة المهنية In 2009, the University of Vienna and Graz University between 1998-2003, Nuclear Medicine, Thyroid Clinic and Treatment Unit and has worked in the PET-CT. Dr. Ofluoğlu, Universal Hospitals Group has been serving since 2002.
العضوية Turkey Association of Nuclear Medicine
European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
Austrian Society of Nuclear Medicine (OGN)

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